Colostrum may be the Fountain of Youth for your immune system.

Ayurvedic physicians in India have used this supplement for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. US physicians have used it as an antibiotic before the introduction of sulfa drugs and penicillin. Research indicates it contains a wide range of antiviral factors. Sources: US Center for Disease Control, Colostrum Research Organization

Studies of colostrum’s benefits are not new. Western scientists began studying this substance in the late 18th century; initially, to document its benefits for survival, growth and development of newborns. In 1950, Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the polio vaccine, discovered that colostrum contained antibodies that had the potential to lower risk of developing polio and he recommended it for children who were susceptible to the disease. In the early 1950s, it often was prescribed in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Today, the numerous medical studies on this substance have focused primarily on its immunity-boosting properties.

Some of the main health benefits of colostrums:

  1. Strengthens the immune system against fungi, bacteria, viruses and Candida = Colostrum versterkt de weerstand tegen schimmels, bacterien, virussen en candida.
  2. Helps against depression and enhance mood. = Colostrum helpt tegen depressie en stemmingswisselingen.
  3. Increases your muscle mass and metabolic rate. =  verhoogt de spiermassa en basaal metabolisme (in combinatie met krachttraining).
  4. Reduces allergic reactions like hay fever. Helps tone down allergic responses for people with asthma which otherwise may bring an attack. = Vermindert allergische reacties (hooikoorts). Vermindert asthmatische reacties. Balanceert het immuunsysteem (en de immuunrespons).
  5. Balances the blood sugar, which helps control insulin levels in diabetes. =Balanceert bloedsuiker en helpt insuline-levels te controleren bij diabetici.
  6. Rejuvenates skin and muscle tissue. Colostrum can be used topically as a paste to heal wounds, scars and acne by healing skin inflammation and stimulating cell growth. = Verjont huid en spierweefsel. Colostrum kan bij topisch gebruik wonden, littekens en acne helen door de ontstekingen te verminderen en de celgroei te stimuleren.
  7. Supports healthy joint and cartilage function. Colostrum is a very effective anti-inflammatory compound which can help people with arthritis. It can also help other forms of inflammation from the digestive system which may be linked to arthritis. = Ondersteunt gewrichten en kraakbeen-functie. Vermindert ontstekingen in het sijsverteringssysteem gerelateerd aan arthritis.
  8. Promotes healthy intestinal flora in your digestive system. = Ondersteunt een gezonde darmflora.
  9. Accelerates healing in the case of injury or trauma, as well as helping in recovery from cancer treatments. It does that by turning white blood cells into functionally active T cells in patients, thus aiding in recuperation, healing and strengthening of the immune system. = Ondersteunt het herstel na een trauma en chemo-therapie. Witte bloedcellen worden “omgevormd” actieve t-cellen en versterken daarmee het immuunsysteem.
  10. Improves endurance and workload capacity. Allows for greater aerobic and anaerobic performance, as well as shorter recovery time between training sessions. = Verbetert het uithoudingsvermogen en draagkracht, verbetert sport-prestaties en verkort herstel-tijd tussen trainingen (inspanningen).

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